
Us population density map
Us population density map

Source imagery for HRSL © 2016 DigitalGlobe. To reference this data, please use the following citation: Facebook Connectivity Lab and Center for International Earth Science Information Network - CIESIN - Columbia University. This preserves the relative population totals across administrative units while matching the UN total. Animated map of population density in the U.S. At present, the population’s median center continues to move to the southwest slowly (2.57 miles per year). The resulting adjustment factor is multiplied by each administrative unit census value for the target year. Currently, the three most populous states in the US are California (39.5m), Texas (28.3m), and Florida (21m). The UN estimate for a given country (or state/territory) is divided by the total census estimate of population for the given country.


For more information about the methodology used to create our high resolution population density maps and the demographic distributions, please visit: įor information about how to use HDX to access these datasets, please visit: Īdjustments to match the census population with the UN estimates are applied at the national level. The resulting maps are the most detailed and actionable tools available for aid and research organizations. Over the past 30 years, the scale of population change is hard to grasp. Then we work with our partners at Columbia University to overlay general population estimates based on publicly available census data and other population statistics. Guangzhou, Hong Kong, and Shenzhen are forming an epic, 40 million-person super city. To create our high-resolution maps, we use machine learning techniques to identify buildings from commercially available satellite images.

us population density map

Creative Commons Attribution International

Us population density map